
The Society for Environmental Health of Nigeria is a non-profit, non-governmental professional organization, dedicated to the promotion of Environmental Health in Nigeria. The Society is incorporated in Nigeria, under Part C of the Companies and Allied Matters Act 1990; and aims to promote the highest level of professional excellence among members engaged directly or indirectly in the Environmental Health field, and are committed to its ideals.


To enhance sound national policy through advocacy and public awareness in matters relating to Environmental Health practice.

To advance practical knowledge in technology, design, construction, operation, maintenance and management of Environmental Health services

To collaborate with other organizations with related objectives for the promotion of Environmental Health.

To publish and distribute journals, and other publications relating to the practice of Environmental Health.

To establish scholarships, medals and prizes for distinguished professionals who excel in the practice of Environmental Health

To promote research, and education of her members through public lectures, exhibitions, seminars, conferences, studies, courses and’ library services

To encourage the promotion of Environmental Health Services through advocacy and public participation so as to enhance its usefulness in the protection of Public Health


Publication of Scientific Journal (Journal of Environmental Health (JEH) Newsletter and other materials for information and education of members and the general public 

Organization of the Society’s Annual lecture on topical issues in a chosen area of Environmental Health

Organization of conferences, seminars and meetings on Environmental Health.

Carry out research in specific areas of need in the field of Environmental Health and make the results of such research available to Government and other institutions for the promotion of Environmental Health and safety in Nigeria. 

Encouragement of Environmental Health education in institutions and for the general public

Capacity Building for civil society on Environmental Health matters

Creating awareness and advocacy on matters relating to Environmental Health in other to encourage public participation in the protection of Environmental and Public Health

Initiating, encouraging and participating in activities to promote sound Environmental Health practices so as to reduce Environmental risks to public safety and health.


To publish and disseminate scientifically sound environmental and public health information of national and international importance.


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