Authors Guide

(JEH) Authors’ Guide

The Journal Of Environmental Health Authors’ Guide

The Journal of Environmental Health (JEH ISSN 0189 – 5885) is a publication of Society for Environmental Health of Nigeria (SEHON).

The Objectives of the Journal
  1. To publish original research findings and articles In environmental health (EH), public health, primary, health care and environmental health sciences, and to make such publications available to the public, policy makers and researchers.
  2. To provide a medium for exchange of Information among environmental health practitioners.
  3. To publish relevant book reviews, editorial opinions, comments, etc. on environmental health.
  4. To fill the existing gaps in Information and reference materials in the field of environmental health.
  5. To synthesize, analyze, review and edit materials, articles, essays, comments, letters, etc. to conform with and meet the objectives of the Society and the Journal.
Editorial Policy

The Journal is devoted to publishing original research results, articles, book reviews and comments on JEH and related issues from persons from diverse backgrounds, professional affiliations, and race and from all countries of the world. Only materials written in English Language will be published.

Submission of Manuscript
  1. Two copies (processed in Microsoft word and printed double-spaced on single-face of A4 paper) should be submitted to the Editor in softcopy via e-mail: The submission should not be more than 25 pages including references, Note that there may be extra page charges after the first 15 pages of manuscript.
  2. The author(s) must submit a written certification: a) that neither the article submitted nor part of it has been published or is being considered for publication elsewhere; b) that all materials submitted and accepted for publication become the property of JEH; and c) that if published, the material does not (to the best of the author’s knowledge) contain unlawful material, infringe on the right of any person or copyright.
  3. The paper should give a brief descriptive title of not more than 20 words, and should clearly state the nature of the subject being addressed. The first page should carry only the title of the paper, name of author(s) with academic qualifications, current professional affiliations and full contact address Including E-mail. The second page should contain only the title and the abstract six keywords while the main body of the paper should start from the third page.
  4. The manuscript text, tables, figures, plates and references should be prepared in accordance with APA style, 7th References are numbered consecutively in the order which they appear in the text. A list of references at the end of the paper should then give full details of publication referenced, Including authors’ surname(s) and Initials (unless they are more than six, In which case the first should be given followed by et al): the title of work, paper, or book, name of publication (In case of Journal/Bulletin) abbreviated according to ‘Index Medlcus; year of publication, volume & number; the 1st and the last page numbers.
    Research Articles :- Alanlyan, R, O. (1995) Managing Health Development in Nigeria. Nig. Journal of Health Planning and Mgt, 1, 2, (1995), 31-35. Book: Norman, I. L. (1996) Mental Health Care for the Elderly People. New York: Churchill Livingstone.
  5. It is the author’s responsibility to .verify the correctness of all information given in submitted materials including the references and annexure.
  6. Pagination should start with the title page.
  7. The abstract should not be more than 250 words.
  8. All tables, figures, plates etc should be on separate pages stating the source, well labeled and appropriately referenced in the text.
  9. Every abbreviation, acronyms should be preceded by words in full at first appearance, and every unfamiliar word must be explained in bracket.
  10. All measurements should be in SI units.
  11. In all cases, materials submitted for publication should follow IMRADC procedure – introduction, methods, results, discussions and conclusion including recommendations.
Book for review
  1. Two copies of new book(s) for review should be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief.
  2. The review should not be more than 500 words, should give details of author(s), publishers, length of the book, subject matter, cover back type, ISBN and cost (if possible).
Galley proofs

Galley proofs will be sent to the principal investigator/authors once the material is accepted for publication, and this must be sent back to the editor with comments (if any) as early as possible.

Complimentary copies

All authors whose materials have been published will receive a copy of the journal in addition to a copy of a print out of their published material.

Return of unpublished materials

Every unpublished material may be returned to the author/principal investigator on demand if arrangement is made for collection or postage


To publish and disseminate scientifically sound environmental and public health information of national and international importance.


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